
For general inquiries, please contact

If you are a querying author, please carefully review each agent’s interests and submit only to the agent you think would be the best fit for your work. We are a collaborative agency so if any agent receives a submission better suited for a colleague, we will work internally to pair the project with the best potential representative. Please do not submit to multiple Arc agents simultaneously.

As much as we would like to respond to each submission individually, it is not always possible. If you haven’t received a response within 8 weeks, please consider it a pass but feel free to resubmit to another Arc agent.

If you do receive a response, please consider it to be on behalf of the agency. Resubmissions will not be considered.

Query Guidelines

For fiction, send a query letter including a brief bio and, if applicable, publishing history with sales figures, and the first 25 pages of your manuscript. For nonfiction, send a query letter including a brief bio and a proposal with sample material. All material should be pasted into the body of your message; attachments will not be opened. We do not accept physical submissions at this time.

Submit to Myrsini Stephanides via Query Manager.

Submit to Maile Beal via Query Manager.

Submit to Iris Blasi

Submit to Agnes Carlowicz via Query Manager.

Submit to Kate Davids via Query Manager.

Submit to Dani Segelbaum via Query Manager.